The secret in small steps

צעדים קטנים

Our lives are made up of a wide variety of things that are in constant motion and are constantly influenced by environmental experiences. When we want to create a certain change, we look at the end result with enthusiasm but at the same time the mind also starts to see the whole picture and get intimidated from the number of things that needs to be done.

We all experienced the feeling of getting up one morning, usually on a birthday or towards the new year, and deciding that tomorrow we will change … Most of us tried to start something but usually experienced the feeling of giving up even before we even took a small part of the way.

Well, there is a logical and clear reason for this and as always, we return to the thinking mind. He begins calculating in advance all the expected effort that needs to be done to reach the end task and transmits distress signals in the form of despair, desire to stop, self-loathing, fear and the like.

I have talked before about the fact that the mind is not controlling us, our actions or our thoughts. He is just another organ in this wondrous body and we must learn how to work with him accordingly.

Every task, big or small, can be divided into small and achievable sub parts that will help us strengthen our self-confidence and faith, gradually and moderately. Allowing us on one hand to enjoy the road along the way, which is no less important and on the other hand to experience the achievements of the small successes along the way and give the mind the sense of success for completing the task.

Like a child learning to walk for the first time, building confidence in his posture and ability to trust that at the end of the process he will walk. all that without the mind being afraid or insecure in the learning process. The child just falls and falls until he manages to control walking without any problem. This is how we should treat each new task we have decided to bring it into our lives.

Somewhere along the way we have lost faith and the automatic ability to know what we want and taking the shortest way in the right direction. It happens because of different things we go through as children. Education at home and school, different experiences we went through that made us think in a certain way and different habits we got from advertisements or society.

Here are some examples of dealing with past patterns:

  1. A lot of effort must be put into creating change
  2. In order to get great results, we must take great steps
  3. Multiple experiences will yield multiple results


We all want immediate results. The reason is that our brain does not like change so when introduced to new actions it starts to produce resist producing overthinking, feeling of fear and repugnance to change. The reason lies in the brain’s survival need to keep its environment familiar and safe. Therefore, when we decide on big changes in our life the mind immediately resists and takes every measure he can, in order to stop the change from taking place.

So how can we “trick” on the brain and harness it for the desired change?

We will do this with a few simple steps:

  1. Division into small, daily, achievable tasks

We do not look at the ultimate goal or the final result. We will divide the goal into small sub-tasks until we get tasks that can be performed on a daily basis. Tasks that take a few minutes at the beginning of the journey but later on will become a significant habit. For example, if we want to start a sports activity for the first time, we will start with a minute a day for one week. The following week we will practice for two minutes and so on until we reach the desired goal. It can be half an hour a day or three hours for those who have chosen to train for a marathon.

  1. Perform the task regularly every day without looking at the big picture.

It is important to be decisive and take responsibility for your decision. perform the task daily as you have set for yourself. No matter how small or insignificant it seems in the big picture, maintain consistency and perform the task/s on a daily basis.

  1. Monitoring performance and achievements

This stage is important for a broad perspective of months or years. It allows us to evaluate the work that has been accomplished by completing these small tasks. This will strengthen your own confidence and restore the belief that we can set out to accomplish any task we desire.

Commitment and working in small steps will achieve amazing results in a broad vision, motivate us and strengthen our belief in achieving bigger goals and allow us to get the best out of ourselves. The division into small doable tasks allows us to bypass the fear mechanism of the brain, thus patiently adjusting and habituating to the new process. In addition, during this process we are constantly advancing on the right path to achieving the goals we want.

In the process of small steps an amazing thing happens. Once we practice and overcome the initial resistance the mind begins to cooperate and we feel the need to do a little more each day. We rewire our brain cells regarding the new habits while maintaining a sense of hope and optimism.

Games always make the experience more enjoyable. Play with small steps, put in a week of practice for a few minutes in any area you want to change and experience for yourself the powerful feeling of such a short practice. One can start practicing sports activities, reading, breathing exercises, meditation or quality time with family.

Yes, it sounds simple because it really is. Just get started and it’s in your hands.


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